Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Cash-In of the Christ

Passion Story on Yahoo

' Breaking with a growing Hollywood practice of heavy-handed pre-Oscar marketing, Gibson and his Icon Productions partner Bruce Davey have vowed not to spend a cent on television, radio or print ads hawking "Passion" for Academy Award consideration, a spokesman said on Friday.

However, Icon is presenting promotional screenings of "The Passion" and plans to send out thousands of DVD copies to members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (news - web sites) and other industry groups that present year-end film awards.

"This film should be judged on its artistic merit, not on who spends more money for advertising. That's really what the academy was meant to be and to celebrate," Davey said in a statement issued through Icon's publicist, Alan Nierob. '

Not spending a cent on advertising for the oscars? But promotional screenings and sending thousands of free copies to academy members for oscar consideration isn't advertising?


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I'm a little fishy

This is my fish twitch. He's the bastard who keeps me awake at night. Below him are little decorative pebbles. Well, he likes to flick those against the glass bowl, but only at night.

Why not remove them you ask? Well because the fish poop and excess food he doesn't eat would be totally visible and that's not pretty to look at.

I thought these fish only live about a year, he's coming up on 2 years.

Little bastard!

Monday, November 08, 2004


I had a meeting with my evaluator today (nice lady), she says my US History class should have transferred over too. She was a little confused as to why that didn't happen automatically... humf!

Then I helped out with The Foreigner for a while. Nice times. I was about to leave for the day, when I spotted Ozzie and out of habit asked if things were going okay with the show. He said he had a few things I could help him out with... damn! But it went quick, it was ok since I got out of costume design early.

Now I'm at home, trying to relax. It's kind of hard because I have a to do list that stretches a mile and I don't know where to begin. Plus, I have to talk to my step-dad about maybe skipping rent this month since things are kind of tight. I'm living off my savings account to get by and now that it is getting small, I have to focus on work as much as possible and skip on some school activities. (Hence my not being on running crew for The Foreigner).

Ugh, I am so tired. Not just physically, but mentally. I'm so close to being done with school, and there's no time to stop and rest. As soon as school ends, I'll have to sell my soul just to get by. I have to think about moving out as soon as possible because living with my parents (even if it's in the guest house) is just a bit too corny for my age.

Just think when Bush is leaving the white house, I'll be 30!

Ugh....and since I'm in such a rotten mood, I think I'll end on a funny note:

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Dead bodies on display in the name of Science

So today, I went to the California Science Center and saw Plasticized (sp?) bodies. These are real life bodies that have been preserved and are on display for you to learn about. Our vocal approaches class went as a field trip, which is much better than actually doing voice class because it sucks!

For the most part it was cool, but then you had to walk through this area with preserved fetuses and a woman who died in the 8th month of pregnancy, and it was a little harsh... but I managed. I guess the hardest part was images of my nephew kept flashing in my head because I witnessed his birth.

The I spent the afternoon back on campus and helped wire up the hanging practicals for the black box show.

After that I stopped by the polling place and voted for Kerry. At which point I ran into my dad and told him my daily events over dinner.

I posted that info on my livejournal as follows:

"So earlier today, Sally tells me she is still voting for Bush. I beg her not to, just this once, deny her republican heritage and vote for Kerry, no matter how big a douche he is. And she says to me "you don't change the linebacker in the middle of the game." I said, ok, I agree with that, but I still can't respect Bush because he's a liar and a war profiteer (sp?)

Anyways, I go to dinner with my dad tonight and tell him about Sally's little analogy. His reply:

"Yeah but if the opposing team sacks our quarterback, we should go for theirs, not their cheerleaders."

In other words, after the WTC, Bush should have gone for Osama not Saddam.

My dad, ex-football player making more sense.... Sorry Sally."

What a fun filled day... so I'll stay up, find out Bush is gonna stick around for 4 more years probably and go to bed awaiting the coming apocolypse (sp?).