Last night was preview. Basically, there is an audience, but they didn't pay. So the designers are free to touch up as the show goes on and take pictures. I spent it running up and down stairs in order to fix some problems. We didn't have the tech table set up anymore so I couldn't just call on clear-com to fix stuff. Then I made two cues at the end of the show (Cues 900 and 901) for Zach to photograph. They were cues I wanted in the show, but the director said they were too dark. So I re-created them for my portfolio's sake.
I decided to post the pictures next to some research I had been using for a while.
And here is a scene of virtual light lab next to the ending pose.
So does this look caribbean to anyone? I hope so. I posted just the first picture on LiveJournal for theatertechies and they loved it. I'm so happy (sniffle)
All this work comes down to this. Now I've done the happy pretty show, now I need to balance it with a dark dirty show. That should be great for my portfolio. But I also have to recognize that if there wasn't something beautiful for me to light, it'd be useless. Christina Russo's set design is amazing. After all that hard work, both of our projects won't exist in two weeks. And it's kind of sad.
I think I made some really good friends doing this and learned a lot. I know I definitely need to be more paper organized. And I need to learn how to delegate more stuff out. And somehow I need to learn to be more stern in getting what I want without stage managers thinking I'm a bitch.
Thanks to whoever reads this. I'm sure I'll post more when the show closes and post-mortem hits. (post mortem is a meeting with all involved to discuss how the show went, its not a morbid thing, its a constructive criticsm thing). ;-)