This is my grandfather, Ramon Rosas. He is 95 years old, and suffered from a stroke last night. One of the most stubborn people in our family, especially when it comes to relaxing. He still works for Boeing, and even learned how to use computers just so he wouldn't have to retire.
Needless to say, sitting in a hospital room right now and being forced to rest is what's killing him. He was changing the engine on his beloved 1970's era ford pick-up when my aunt saw him, put his tools down, then kneel and lay down. She ran to him and his slurred speech prompted her to call 911.
My father visited him this morning and as expected my grandpa was furious. He hates being so dependent on other people and he absolutely hated having people see him in this condition. I decided not to go and instead fix my halloween lights that burned out.
I think I won't visit him for a few days, I know that if this happened to me, I wouldn't want people to see me like that either. And considering he has come so far, and they expect him to recover, I don't think I'll be losing him soon. And if I do, I'd rather not have my last memory of him be in such a bad condition. My last memory of my grandmother struggling to breathe was enough to make me never smoke again.