Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I fought authority and authority always wins

woc 123
Originally uploaded by teksalot
Well they win sometimes. If you ever have the pleasure of working with Russ Ketteringham, here's a fun list of ways to annoy and pester him at work.

10. Turn his cap sideways

9. Take lots of pictures of him, especially when he fumbling with his iTouch

8. Constantly point out the fact that he "should have taken that cruise ship vacation when it was cheaper."

7. Hide his life vest.

6. Sing songs his 4 year old son loves, knowing fully well that he'll get them stuck in his head.

5. Wait until you know he's just about to tell you to get back to work, then start saying "No" over and over again until he sighs or tries to throw you down a flight of stairs. (True story)

4. Wait until you see Chuck coming your way, then leave him to deal with the boss all alone.

3. Start and end the day by saying "No me gusta" then refuse to accept his battered spanglish.

2. Laugh at his old pics and call him a hippy.

1. And the number one way to bug him.... post a blog and share with everyone!
