Sunday, July 31, 2011

Project Newcastle

So its my second day living in the new place with Baby Scheie and the Tuttle. So far so good. Didn't sleep well since I was using an air mattress that leaks slowly. By 6:30am I was pretty much just sleeping on the hard wood floor.

I'm gonna have to get used to the dogs. Cora and Sookie are adorable, but they're still a bit edgy around new people. Took a midnite trip to the loo and woke them up. That meant they needed to start sniffing around my bedroom door which spooked me a little. So I let them in and have a look around and that seemed to help. 

But the whole uncomfy sleep thing is really taking its toll on me tonight at work. Barely able to keep my eyes open thru show one. Hopefully I'll fare better this next show, finish moving in the next few days, then get on a regular sleep schedule again.

Last night me and Baby Scheie came up with a fun photo project to do, I'll post pics here and on my Flickr a account when it gets started.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Social media whore

Hi, my name is Roxanne, and I'm a social media whore.

I blog
Because it fills the boredom. Haven't you ever been alone and just wished you had someone you could rant to? Well I do! And instead of calling up someone at 1:35 am (the current time), I turn to the web and you (the reader... if anyone still reads this poorly updated blog).

I tweet
It all started with a friend that moved away. @skinnylycan decided to up and leave me to go back to school... I know! right? Anyways, he left and created a twitter account, and I figured it would be a great way to let him know I missed him by creating an account just to follow him.

then I started following twitter accounts that were for a good cause...
then I started following celebrities...
then I started following other friends who created accounts...
then I started taunting mice chatters who were obsessed with my job...

then I just started tweeting random thoughts and following people I saw mentioned on television... i.e. @chrismacho from the wheat thins commercial.

I also do the whole Facebook thing
Cuz it's fun, I'm busy and like to know that my best friend's little girl just started pre-school. The photo is cute. I don't care if people think it's cool to NOT be on Facebook. I happen to care what everyone else is doing with their life because my life tends to be sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work... etc.

I used to do the MySpace thing.
I didn't delete mine because it was the cool thing to do. I deleted it because it was tiring trying to follow both MySpace and Facebook at the same time. I basically jumped ship to save time.

I foursquare.
Because I'm mayor of my coffee bean and it's saved me money at some places from time to time. If someone decided to gps stalk me, go ahead. I always carry a knife on me! :-) You've been warned.

Ok, to sum up. I'm a social media whore. Do I deserve a massive number of followers? No. Probably not. But if you're bored and just want a timeline of updates to read... follow @roxietech on twitter and don't complain when all you see are my Facebook, cnn, foursquare and other random updates filling your screen.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


I love the android platform. It's great. Only issue I have right now is the protected file format from songs bought from iTunes. I am currently converting a batch of the files to standard MP3 format so I can dump the music on my brand new Motorola Xoom.

Plus I dumped a bunch of old ripped movies to it so I can take it on the go.

I always thought the iPads and tablets wouldn't be for me. I figured, if I traveled more I'd get one. Turns out I was wrong.

My little droid tablet keeps me company at work while I'm waiting for my turn to do light checks, or when I'm waiting for the stage manager to get the SMPTE checks done. I love angry birds in 10" screen!

So much for efficiency...

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Just rooted my Evo4G phone tonight using new usb drivers and unrevoked 3. I thought that would be a radical change to my phone, but it wasn't took some extra snooping to actually verify that my phone was rooted.

I downloaded Titanium Backup and started uninstalling the mandatory apps that Sprint forced on me. It's actually so wonderful having full control over the phone I own.

I don't know why phone companies think that users will be happy with forced apps installed on phones. I really don't care about NascarTV and SprintTV (the latter of which crashed constantly before I ditched it).

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm horrible at updating this. I've said that already.

I'm also horrible at updating my 365 project. I take pictures every day, I love my camera. But why is it so horrible that I can't remember the simple task of uploading that stuff?


and I even pay for the pro flickr account.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

HSTF 2011

Today Zach and I hosted a workshop at the Fullerton College High School Theater Festival. It was a great day, hoped we helped some high school techs figure out where they're heading. Wish I had someone answering those questions for me when I was their age.

Ok, time to kick back and relax with what ever is left on my DVR then back to reading.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

March 5th


Turned 33 today, feeling great. Enjoying my life, living on my own with a job I love.

I feel a bit saddened though by the thought that I still don't know which direction I'm heading in. Every day I think about what my life will be like 10 years down the road and I can't see it clearly.

I'm thinking about starting a class in networking. I know that definitely will play a part in my career. But if I do focus on that, will it be networking for lighting? Video? Automation? Major show installs? Will I still be at Disney?

Ok, back to my favorite episode of Firefly. Finishing my glass of wine then off to bed after a long night at maintenance work.