Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm horrible at updating this. I've said that already.

I'm also horrible at updating my 365 project. I take pictures every day, I love my camera. But why is it so horrible that I can't remember the simple task of uploading that stuff?


and I even pay for the pro flickr account.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

HSTF 2011

Today Zach and I hosted a workshop at the Fullerton College High School Theater Festival. It was a great day, hoped we helped some high school techs figure out where they're heading. Wish I had someone answering those questions for me when I was their age.

Ok, time to kick back and relax with what ever is left on my DVR then back to reading.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

March 5th


Turned 33 today, feeling great. Enjoying my life, living on my own with a job I love.

I feel a bit saddened though by the thought that I still don't know which direction I'm heading in. Every day I think about what my life will be like 10 years down the road and I can't see it clearly.

I'm thinking about starting a class in networking. I know that definitely will play a part in my career. But if I do focus on that, will it be networking for lighting? Video? Automation? Major show installs? Will I still be at Disney?

Ok, back to my favorite episode of Firefly. Finishing my glass of wine then off to bed after a long night at maintenance work.