Tomorrow I start the thirty day vegan challenge. I've been compiling lists of food and restaurants that are vegan friendly. This is going to be fun or brutal. I'm hoping to get a better perspective on diets so I can make the changes I need to get healthier. I don't foresee this being a permanent change. Maybe I could spend some more time on vegetarian meals but I can't see myself giving up my daily caramel lattes and captain crunch forever. And there's just something so appealing about bacon and sirloin steaks...
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Field Trip
So I took the girls for a trip today, we went to my dad's house for a play date with Ripley. Suki had a blast, but Kora spent most of the time hiding under the lounge chair. My dad had a lot of fun playing with Suki.
I'm guessing Sarah will start her journey home really soon. It's the 15th in France by now, which means packing and getting on several planes to make her way home. See you soon Sarah and Erik!
Friday, April 13, 2012

Currently there is a massive storm outside. The wind is crazy so the girls are locked inside and literally hiding at my feet. No pics are really coming through because they won't sit still long enough. Every time the thunder hits, they curl up to me.
So for right now, we're enjoying "The Day After Tomorrow" because it makes the audio that much more fun. Horrible weather, horrible movie. Get it?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Revenge is sweet... and colorful
Well you know how the girls are getting to be a bit restless. Suki snuck out last night and attended a punk rock concert. She won't tell me the details, or what band it was, but it's obvious she had too good a time. The pink and purple hair dye is all temporary.
Kora, on the other hand, has been a delight with her reading. She just finished the twilight series and thinks she's a Cullen now. I didn't believe it until the sun came out and she started sparkling. Then I realized she was wearing some glitter hair spray, plus a little Photoshop work. That glitter all washed out as well.
So I got my revenge again. They had to pose for photos and I got to bathe them in the end. They're now resting inside where it's warm and dry. Rain clouds are heading this way and April 17th we get a visit from our handy-dandy property management team. Just in time for you to get home. It's our "6 month" inspection according to the paperwork. Guess we'll have to bathe the dogs again so they're pretty that day!
Monday, April 09, 2012
Once again
This isn't the only mess, there's another little gift from Kora in the sun room. I'm thinking they're starting to get really mad that Sarah has been gone for so long.
But revenge is sweet. I'm gonna have some fun with the girls tomorrow. I just need to get to a costume shop and grab my good camera. ;-)
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 06, 2012
7th day
I got out of the shower and found they were ready to start celebrating.
I don't think they understand that I'm keeping the money for me.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Yay, I finally had a day off. I did my typical celebration by cooking a steak and enjoying a glass (or two) (or three) of some Mondavi Pinot Noir.
The girls just ate dinner and got the bits of steak fat with their yummy, crunchy food. They thoroughly enjoyed licking their dish bowls long after the food was gone. I will not however be sharing the wine with them, even if Suki does seem to think staring me down will work.
Kora has decided to play it aloof and watch tv instead. Big Bang Theory was hilarious and is saved on the DVR for Sarah's return. I'm wondering if it may be a good idea to plan a welcome home party. If only I knew the details of her return... Hmmm. I'll just keep that idea on the back burner for now.
But in the mean time, I have some arts and crafts planned for tonight. Plus, some experimenting with lighting in the living room may be in store.
Well, it finally happened. We went for this long, but Kora finally left a little gift for you Sarah. I cleaned it up, but the picture is yours to cherish.
Katy should be by today again to walk the dogs and they got a dose of dental spray again so they are fresh for her. For now, I'm enjoying my first day off with a shot of tequila and a warm cozy bed.
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Just another day
I think doggie training is going pretty well. The girls are learning to be more independent every day. Today Suki decided to sunbathe. She's got a nice tan going and I'm asking her for tips but she's being rather immature by not sharing. (Teenagers!) We spent some time just birdwatching and then we got scared off by some bees so we retreated inside.
That's where we found Kora who has recently learned to read. She was enjoying a first edition Hardy Boys mystery and didn't even bother to look away for the picture I took. It really is a good read. She took advantage of the quiet house since Henry was taking off for work.
Well, it's treadmill time. Got to keep my fitbit stats up. Hope you're having a blast Sarah! Can't wait for stories. Hope you're keeping a journal or blog somewhere you can publish when you get home. Otherwise, you're welcome to all my scrapbooking tools. :-)
Miss ya! The girls say hello and Henry promised to do dishes sometime this week.
Bath Pics from yesterday
Well they survived the bath. Got some fun pics that I posted to Google Plus. I also discovered the dental spray in the cupboard when I went to give them treats. They smell better than ever. But they still didn't hesitate to jump into my bed when I came home this morning. So I think all is forgiven.
It may have a lot to do with the tequila shots I took and curling up on the couch with them. We learned a new trick too. When I lay face down and they lay at my feet, I can keep playing angry birds space and still nuzzle them with my feet. They seem to enjoy that. Multi-tasking win!
Monday, April 02, 2012
Lazy day
Just chilling at home today, work late tonight on the maintenance shift. But the girls are snuggled up on the couch watching TV with me. They're getting a bit stinky, I'm thinking they need a bath... good thing the bathroom outlet works, now I can blow dry them before letting them loose.
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Suki and Kora watch, day two
I'm dog sitting for me awesomeist (patent pending on that word) roommate ever, Sarah. Suki and Kora are absolutely adorable and because I know Sarah misses them while she's out exploring the world, I started blogging again so she can see them. Currently, all three of us are sunbathing in the backyard. Yesterdays rain left a gorgeous blue sky that I couldn't resist enjoying. (Yes, even I, the real vampire slayer who loves the night sky, decided to sunbathe).
Right now, Suki is by my side and Kora is chasing flies. Making today even more enjoyable. The next door neighbors just acquired a new dog and every once in a while it ventures near the bordering fence which intrigues us all. She's a tiny, little black ball of fur and I think the neighbors named her Roxie. I heard someone shouting that name a little while ago and it was confusing for me,
Well, I'm going to return to reading (computer networking) in the sun. Maintenance shift tonight which means the dogs will sleep all night while I'm gone and want to be played with when I get home in the morning. They were kind enough to wake me at 11am today so I could enjoy the sun.
Oh, and Tuttle returned today. He brought me a shot glass for my collection. He's on his way to see Emily, his girlfriend. She was in a little car accident this morning. Her car is done for, but she's OK. Slight neck injury, but she assured Tuttle she will be okay.
I am super excited to hear all about Sarah's adventures when she returns April 16th. I'll update as she's gone so she can check in as she pleases without being pestered by me. Later!!!!