Friday, November 17, 2006

Me Nobody Knows

First Production Meeting

Met the whole production team (sans prod. mgr - away for personal reasons)

The director led the discussion beginning with a brief idea and objective lesson. Our concept is episodic, no through line, modern, rock concert-esque. Our objective is to induct high school kids, who will be performing in the show, into a college production in the hopes of enticing them to come to Fullerton College, and at the same time, teach them something new about Musical Theater.

The 1960's music of the show seems very dark, and grim. The director wants us to add that spark of hope to the show. The music is being arranged to speed up the tempo of some of the songs. And costuming will consist of jeans and sneakers (provided by the cast) and shirts of different colors (most likely dark colors in the beginning) which will become a "rainbow of colors" for the finale.

The scenery will consist of scaffolding. The scaffolding will be one and two stories high and on wheels so the configurations can change. The idea is to create rail balcony, tenement like setting with the scaffolds and a series of flown in windows at different levels for the actors to sing from.

The cityscape will be created by yours truly (lighting designer) with gobos. Otherwise my job is only to draw attention to the music through movement of light. Basically, think Rock Concert!

I'll be adding zip strips to the floor on the upstage and left and right of the stage. All (or most) of the lighting will be completely exposed.

For now, I will begin reading the script, which I just received 40 minutes ago. And take a listen to the old 1960's version of the music. I will then begin researching the inventory of lighting (including 4 auto yokes, 8 technobeams, 2 fog machines, 20+ SL zooms, and tons of source 4's and PARS) along with any photos of previous dance/jazz/rock concerts that have taken place on that stage before.

I also have to keep in mind that with the time limit, I will be adapting house plot so that the next show in the theater can load-in in the amount of time they've been given as well. This is the unfortunate circumstances of doing a low budget musical in a rental house with very, very, very little time and crew.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More Notes

So I finally have time off to catch up, clean, etc. I typed up some more notes, the first is my little color guide to wires.

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The next set of notes is off some connectors I was using at the amusement park.

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So I spent yesterday at Disney's Casting center for hours upon hours (really just 2 1/2) but it seemed longer since I had nothing to do while waiting for my turn to be interviewed.

Just like last time, I was told I did well but there are no openings. So if I don't hear from anyone in 2 weeks, I have to call them and ask "what's up?" In the meantime, I have my resume in at a pirate themed dinner theater. I just left a voicemail with the guy in charge of hiring an hour ago.

It should go well seeing as how Casey and Patrick were kind enough to talk me up to their boss. Plus I went to college with another one of the guys in charge and he gave me good references from when we worked together on school shows.

Go me!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Back at Home

Well life has been swell back at home. I'm working again at an unnamed theme park in Southern California (not Disney) and surrounded by all my wonderful friends.

I took up jogging and recently started researching tips. I found an interesting one (#10 on Jogging Blog that says the pain caused on the right side as you jog is caused by the liver pressing against the diaphragm as you breathe and can be corrected by exhaling on the left step. Also, in a forum on Suicide Girls, it was recommended that you breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth on an odd count. (ie. 2 in, 3 out or 3 in, 4 out)

But other than the unnamed theme park and jogging, I'm also taking random gigs through the local 504 IATSE union. I worked a rolling stones concert last year but this year I got to help the Wicked Load out at Orange County Performing Arts Center last Monday. And tomorrow night, I'm loading out a concert at the Verizon Wireless amphitheater. Did I spell that right? Hmmm, maybe I'll fix it later, if I feel like it.

I'm also taking notes on stuff I tend to forget (because I forget a lot). I'm taking cursory electricians notes on basic things I tend to forget, and writing down math because I can't do it in my head very fast.

I'll post my notes here in case anyone else thinks they may be useful beginning out in the theater electricians field.

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I've got a note on 6X12 Altmans lens trains having both curved sides facing each other too, and when I get around to cleaning all the old, rusted piece o crap 6x9s, 6x16s, and 6x22s, I'll make a drawing too.

Friday, July 07, 2006

New York and Home

I spent July 3rd to the 6th with my dad in New York as a way to wind down from the last 4 hectic months. We saw the Empire State Building, Battery Park, rode the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Ground Zero, Central Park and Times Square.

To top it all off, we went to see The Producers at the Saint James Theater on 44th street. The show was amazing, the theater sucked, but it was all still worth it.

Thursday night, we both headed to JFK and left on separate planes to California. My flight arrived later than his at LAX but he drove up to pick me up and we headed home. I walked in the door at 1am(ish) and couldn't sleep. I was so thrilled to be home and see my dog.

I spent my first day home washing laundry and visiting grandparents. I also did dinner with my mom, stepdad, sister and brother in law. But it was all just to see my Nephew who can now make baskets with the hoop at 6 foot tall.

Would I do it all again? Hells yeah, but I'm not going to :-D

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last Day

It's my last day on board the QM2. Yay! I started packing about three days ago and only have to pack my carry on bag now. I can't believe how much crap I have. I didn't buy souveneirs, I bought shot glasses for my collection, that's about it. Everything else was little magnets, one's for mom of course. ;-)

Italy was amazing. We took the train from Civitavechia to Rome. I saw the Vatican, the colosseum, the spanish steps and this really famous fountain (you'd know it if you saw it).

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Livorno Italy was boring as all hell. If anyone ever invites you to the beach in northern Italy, pass it up. Livorno is close to Pisa, but I didn't have enough time in port to travel that far.

So now I'm doing tiny errands, returning gear, I only have three duties today, then I sign off the ship at 5:00pm today and have my luggage checked at 8pm. Tomorrow we dock about 6:00am and I have to go through immigration and customs. I'll probably actually be able to leave at 10am like last time when mom and Eddie came to visit me. Then I'll high tail it to the hotel where dad will be staying and we'll see what happens from there.

I miss you all and will see you in about 4 days :-) Love you guys!


Sunday, June 18, 2006


Uma Thurman is gorgeous! And tall! I saw her twice on the last voyage with her two kids. They're cute! I don't know her history so I don't know if they're actually hers or adopted like Brad and Angelina...

Well yesterday was Vigo, Spain. Very pretty, but very boring. We were only there for a couple of hours and because I accidentally slept in (I really did need the sleep) I only got two hours of shore time.

Today we cruised through the straight of Gibraltar. I got some photos but it was amazing to see Morocco.
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Now I just need to see Australia, the North Pole and the South Pole :-)

Tomorrow is Barcelona, Spain. I'm hoping to get a lot of shore time but we may have crew drills. Stupid MCA is awful. They have such stupid rules about stuff. Talk about paranoia. And they schedule their drills in the biggest and best ports so it's takes away all the time we could be exploring. It seems every other day there is some kind of drill.

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La Sagrada Familia Church in Barcelona

Well, 16 days left? I haven't started packing. It's kind of hard because I have no idea what Portugal and Italy will be like. Most likely hot like it was in Vigo, but until then, I don't know what I'll need to wear. I'll be missing Cannes, France. But no loss there. I've met so many French people on board, I'll be happy to miss their rude little ways. I'll just ask someone to buy me a shot glass and take a Casey's Gay photo. I'm still trying to get Lisbon, Portugal. I'm willing to trade Gibraltar since I've heard there's nothing but vicious monkeys running wild there. Wish me luck! And see you all really soon!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


9 - New York
15 - Southampton, England
17 - Vigo, Spain
19 - Barcelona, Spain
20 - Cannes, France
21 - Livorno, Italy
22 - Civitavecchia, Italy
24 - Gibraltar, UK
25 - Lisbon, Portugal
27 - Southampton, England

3 - New York
6 - Placentia, Ca. USA!!!!

Random: I was watching CNN earlier and there was a report on a kid with a sleep disorder in Placentia, CA USA. Very random...

Ok, so the Bahamas was amazing! We stopped in Port Lucaya and I got to head off to a beach and swim again. Since we're not allowed in any pools on the ship (and I'm always working on crew spa night) it was relaxing. I got a bit sunburnt, I had to borrow the dancer's sunscreen and SPF 15 was just not cutting it.
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Port Lucaya was rather expensive so I didn't buy anything. Just a burger and a Strawberry Daquiri. I ordered it while I was on the cell phone with my mom who was shocked that I was drinking so early. But it was 11am where I was :-D and 7am for her

After that we headed off to Charleston, South Carolina USA. Boring! I was port manning so I couldnt leave the ship, but from what I've heard there wasn't anything to do. There was an old aircraft carrier parked across from us which is now a museum. That might have been neat to see, but I'd rather take a US port manning because of all the interesting ports coming up.

We got back to New York today and I got to see Times Square again. Very cool! Bam Bam went off and did his bus tour to see Ground Zero and the Empire State building. Since I will be spending a couple of days in New York after my contract, I spent it trying to relax with Caroline (my old roomie who returned recently) and Paul (her aussie boyfriend who is now the sound tech). We got sushi, did some gift shopping for our wonder production manager who was stuck on board and depressed (a family guy doll cheered him up, along with a Gremlins bobblehead doll).

We went to Toys R US and FAO Shwartz to see the keyboard Tom Hanks danced on in the movie Big. We also saw the Hershey's store. Surprise Surprise, I didn't buy ANY chocolate there.

Now I'm back on board and heading for Southampton where a Norovirus scare has been going on for a week. I'm dreading that passengers will get it and bring it back on board. I do not want to miss the Mediterranean because some retard can't wash their hands. Grrrrrr....

Uma Thurman is supposedly on board for this voyage, but I haven't seen her yet. We're not allowed to take pictures or ask for autographs unless she volunteers time to meet the crew (which probably won't happen).

Off to bed, good night all! Hope California is doing well. Someone put a word in at Disney for me. No more pic updates unless the ship decided to lower the wifi rates for crew. I'm out!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Southampton and New York

Well, I finally made it off the ship in both Southampton England and New York. I only made it as far as Brooklyn last time with my mom and Eddie when we hit New York in April. (Was it that long ago?) This time, me, Paul and Andrew ("Bam Bam") took the crew shuttle to Brooklyn, then hopped on the subway to Times Square. It was amazing. When we came out of the subway, I couldn't believe how tall the buildings are. I took lots of pictures, which I can hopefully upload a few, and lots of mpegs (thats digital movies for you older folks).

Jay (our crew chief) gave me a copy of a program he uses to edit movies, it's only a trial version though so I'm limited as to what I can do. But it came out great. I will try mailing home a copy, but guess what? I've only got a little over a month left. Woo hoo!

As for England, it was nice. Not exciting and not the best food. We had pizza in both places so I'm not so homesick on the food part. We arrive in Southampton in 2 days and I will be port manning again so I'll be sending money along with Bam Bam to bring me back a McDonald's Cheeseburger or something. Have I mentioned the food sucks on board? (At least for the crew).

Next ports are
May 29 - Southampton
June 4 - New York

We have a charter coming up which will take us to South Carolina and a stop in the Bahamas before we hit New York again, then on to the Mediterranean (Italy and Spain) with a new cast of singers and dancers.

Miss you all! See you in July.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Norway and QM2 in the News

So most of you have probably heard by now (thanks to CNN, BBC and SkyNews) that there was a death aboard the QM2. This is slightly true.

During lunch time, in the crew mess several days ago, a Filipino crew member (unnamed) attacked one of the ships asst. electrician's in full view of the ships crew. Rumors vary but the main story is that he hit him from behind with a hammer and ran (thankfully I wasnt there to see it). The crew member suffered critical injuries and was airlifted off the QM2 within an hour and a half of the incident. Unfortunately, he passed away after he left the ship.

The authorities joined the ship in Bergen, Norway and the attacker was taken off the ship temporarily while the police investigated. The ship left the port on time but with the assailant and police staying on board. The police will hand over the suspect to British authorities when we arrive in 2 days and he will be prosecuted there.

The ship's crew is still in shock and collecting money for the victim's family (wife and two children). Police tape and blockades are still up in the crew mess, so I try to avoid the area as much as possible. A mass and moment of silence have already taken place with the ships priest, Captain and Cunard Counselor.

Ok, back to Norway. Norway is absolutely gorgeous (and extremely expensive). They use Kroner (spelling?) for their currency. Only the 100 and 50 are in paper form. All other currency is in change. The rate is about 5 kroner to 1 dollar and I got two slices of pizza and a soda for about 68 kroner. So my souveneir shopping for all three ports was minimal. I was able to see Bergen and Aelsund, but I was port manning for the second stop in Flamm.

Flamm seemed to be the most beautiful port so I took pics from deck 13. I tried getting a hold of those little plastic viking helmets as a gift for my mom and step-dad, but they only sold them in Flamm and ... yeah... port manning.

We're on our way back to Southampton, which I'll probably miss again for the fourth time because we have to do lighting maintenance. But then it's on to New York then we're doing a charter for the Merryl Lynch company down the eastern coast of America. This means lots of T-mobile time. :-) I love those weekend minutes.

Miss you all, can't wait for July 3rd, I may spend a few extra days in New York before flying home just so I can actually see it without having to rush back to the ship. Sorry guys.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hamburg & Photos! (Finally)

We just docked in Hamburg, Germany (literally 10 minutes) ago. We pulled into the dry dock area and as I type, crews are working to pull the gates shut behind the ship and start pumping out water so they can begin working on the broken pod. Crews joined in Southampton last time we were there, yesterday morning and already fixed stuff all over the ship. The floors in the pub were sanded this morning and have already gotten a first coat of new varnish.

Tomorrow morning we start running our production shows for a filming crew and will spend all day running pieces of the show over and over and over... for multiple camera angles and stuff. So it will be a long day. But, tomorrow night, we will also all venture out into Hamburg to see a club called the "Reeperbauhn" (SP?)

But... until I can come back on here and post another blog, you'll just have to settle for PHOTOS!!!

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Here's an artistic pic I did off the coast of Chile. It's freezing, about 7 am in the morning, and yes I am wearing layers upon layers of clothing.
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First stop on the trip was Acapulco, Mexico. As you can see, I had a great time. This was the last time I saw a tortilla and guacamole since yesterday. The ship decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo for the small amount of hispanics on board. Unfortunately, the British think Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day.
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Valparaiso in South America.
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The greatest steak I've ever had was in Uruguay. Rhymes with Casey's Gay.
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There's the statue of Christ overlooking Rio in the background.
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This guy was carving replicas of the Jesus figure at Ipanema beach. I tipped him about a dollar. That's how most of these people make their money. Most of them would just come up and beg you for money, people like this artist were the only ones I tipped.
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Rio doesn't call it a "Royale with Cheese."
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Puerto Montt in Chile.
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Puerto Montt in Chile.
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In Panama. The dancers greet guests coming off cruise ships. We didn't wander too far from the boat. Had a beer and a hot dog from a local stand.
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This is Peru's National Soccer Stadium. I took the pic from a taxi cab while driving thru on our way to a mall.
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Off the cape of South America.
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Off the cape of South America.
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St. Kitt's. This is just before we came back to the US for the first time since I left L.A.
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St. Thomas. Finally back in the US and the first time I was able to get a phone signal. Stupid T-mobile.
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My boss. He's drunk
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An artistic photo of the crew rave night in the crew bar. This is where my boss got drunk at.
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Jay, Jorge, Matt (my boss), and Caz (my old cabin mate)
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Me and astronaut Kathy Sullivan. She came on board to lecture about life in Space.
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Me and Caz. This was on the 4th of May, the night before she left. :-(
Ok, that's it for now folks. Everyone take care. I miss you all. Good night, or good afternoon for you. I'm 11 hours or so ahead of you now.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Today I got to see my Mom and Eddie in Brooklyn, NY. It was quite a long day.

It began at 6:15am when my alarm clock woke me so I could go to the 6:30am Immigration inspection. I stood in line for 30 minutes so an official could look at my passport, look at me and say "next." He had to do that for all 2000 crew members so it took quite a while. It also was unfortunate that every single crew member had to be cleared before crew shore leave was granted (that didn't happen until about 10:30am). I had to go pound on my neighbors door at 8:00am to remind them to go get checked so they could go back to sleep. And even at 8:00am people were still not showing up to get checked.

Anyways, we finally made it off the ship and I was able to meet mom and Eddie at the gangway. Mom sniffled, but didn't cry. I took them on a tour of the ship starting with my cabin and I loved my mom's response on first seeing it. "Two people live in here?" Yes, it's a tiny cabin, but we actually have one of the largest crew cabins because it used to belong to a married couple.

Then I took them up to deck 2 to meet the boss and drop off keys, we headed up to deck 3 to see the Planetarium, the Royal Court Theater and then the Grand Lobby. We headed to the back of the ship to see the Photo Gallery, then the Queen's Room, and finally the night club G32 (named after the ships engineering title before she was named the Queen Mary 2).

We headed up to deck 7 to see the Winter Garden and got a great shot of the Statue of Liberty. Then we jumped on the crew shuttle bus to Fulton Street where I did $80 worth of shopping at Target. I needed a bunch of stuff especially since we won't be back this way for a while. I hate trying to buy necessities in other countries because I don't know if I'm getting a good deal or not while trying to convert dollars into whatever it is they use.

Lunch was a really good hot dog from a street vendor (don't say ewww until you've eaten the crew food on this ship). We ate some ice cream at Baskin Robbins and said our good-byes (mom cried) from Fulton St. I made it back to the ship and participated in the passenger drill at 4:30pm then headed back to my cabin. My cabin mate and Bam Bam (Andrew) were waiting there with boxes of pizza so we ate and watched Team America for a while.

They headed off to do tonights show and I headed up to deck 13 to watch the sailaway from New York. We passed under the Verrazano (sp?) bridge again and the passengers cheered when we crossed under because it's only a 13 foot clearance from the ships smoke stack to the bottom of the bridge. It's an amazing sight and I braved the cold to get an mpeg.

I got to talk to my dad and send out some text messages. Plus I sent out this link again with a reminder to you all to check it during the daylight.

I miss everyone! I can't wait to see Robyn and Danny's puppy and get home to some good old fashioned food. I'm going to have to buy some exercise equipment just to keep the weight off.


Saturday, April 22, 2006


Trans-Atlantics (or 'trannies') are 5 days long. It consists of going from New York to Southampton or Southampton to New York. This is when the crew gets absolutely no sleep and works non-stop. And this isn't just our department, it's everyone!

Our ship has 3 production shows plus two versions of a Welcome A Board Show (WABS) and a going away show called Thank You For The Music (TYFTM). The production shows are Rock at the Opera, Appasionata and Zing Went the Strings. Rock at the Opera is a fusion of Rock and Opera music which isn't as bad as it sounds. The only problem is a 2minute transition shift cue we have that is insane!

In two minutes time, three crew members have to move 5 columns and load a moving bridge truck (automated scenery) into a track. The actors (at the same time) are striking 6 rolling arches pretty much into the same area that we have to move columns, so like all shifts it's timed to work like choreography. If one person is late or slow on a shift, it throws everyone off. And the show is all timed with MIDI so when the music runs out, and if the shift isn't complete, we're "proper fucked."

Rock at the opera also features the fiber optic wall upstage and a quarter of a million dollar chandelier above the apron. The chandelier looks like a half dome, then the "petals" open like a flower lowering a full sized crystal chandelier from that, and a disco ball. The fiber optic wall displays a skyline of Barcelona. The floor has 6 lifts built in which can all be programmed to raise and lower with the music while at the same time a built in revolve spins the stage.

Zing went the Strings is a lot more intense. The shift involves striking the rolling truck, striking a flat, rolling two scroll walls upstage of the main and then making a clearing in the center for the truck to roll back downstage thru a swagged opening in the main. During my first time in rehearsal, we didn't make it and had to stop the run thru. Our second try, we still didn't make it, so it was decided that having two new people on the crew at the same time was a bad idea. So from now on, only one new crew member will run the rehearsal and show while the other new person "shadows" the veteran crew members.

Appasionata is the easiest show for crew. There are six panels. Two mounted on the floor far stage left and the other stage right. Four panels fly in on one flybar. On each of them, one side is mirrored and the other has built in LEDs to match the star drop upstage. All you need to remember to be a stage hand is which way you're supposed to turn each panel on each cue. Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise and the stage manager calls that before each shift. The only other job I have during that show is handing a mashenka (sp?) to a dancer thru the truss and handing a drum box to a dancer.

I'm going to try to get an mpeg of the chandelier and the revolve onstage during Rock at the Opera because it is amazing!

This weekend our boat was chartered by a company in England so a lot of shows are running right now in every single venue. It's almost 12:30pm so the shows techs (who came on board) are setting up for tonight. We assist them where we can but we're still responsible for the main theater's show. Last night and again tonight we did a Jamie Cullem concert. He's really famous in Britain and I can see why. I'm ready to buy his CD just after listening to him play and sing in the Royal Court Theater.

Hope all is well, Casey's gay! And my friend Andrew has his wireless working on his laptop so I'm going to try to upload some pics after this charter is over and we get free time. Plus, I'm thinking I may have to get a domain when I get home. Casey's Gay Dot com?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

So I'm supposed to call home at 10am (Pacific Time) but I'm hearing from all of my friends that everyone on this ship is trying to call home so chances of me actually getting through at a specified time are one in a million. I will try as close as possible but at 2pm today (10am Pacific time) I have to be on stage working. So I will call at 1:30pm and if I can't get through, well then... Happy Easter.

New York was awesome. I was stuck on the boat but we circled the statue of liberty and crossed under the Verazano (sp?) bridge. The boat only has a clearance of 13 feet when we go under so it looks like we're going to crash into it. It's amazing!!! I can't wait to come back and actually see the city.

I also wanted to share a poem a friend showed me here on board. No one knows where it came from, but it's hillarious

Last night as I lay sleeping
I died or so it seemed
Then I went to heaven
But only in my dream
Up there St. Peter met me
Standing at the pearly gate
He said "I must check your record,
Please stand here and wait."
He turned and said "Your record
Is covered with terrible flaws,
On Earth I see you rallied
For every losing cause.
I see that you drank alcohol,
And smoked and used drugs too.
Fact is, you've done everything
A good person should never do.
We can't have people like you up here.
Your life was full of sin."
Then he read the last of my record
Took my hand and said "Come In."
He led me up to the big boss and said
"Take him in and treat him well,
He used to work on Cruise Ships.
He's done his time in hell."
Happy Easter!
PS Amy, if you're reading this... where's LOST? :-(

Thursday, April 13, 2006


So the last few days were in the caribbean. I sent out some more post cards and bought a few more so I could write them on the way to New York. I'm missing a couple of peoples addresses, so if you REALLY want a post card, e-mail me your address.

The ship is getting knocked all over tonight. We're in the atlantic heading north to New York. We'll be there on the 15th and again on the 29th. I won't be able to get off the ship until the 29th when my mom comes to visit because of shows and such. We're actually going to do a show tonight at 8:45pm which is in 25 minutes for me. If the first one goes smoothly, we'll do the second, but the dancers were slightly hesitant to do the show tonight because of how bumpy it is right now. The cruise director has a comedian on stand by to do the second show if the dancers really dont want to do it, or if one gets hurt.

Our lighting guy today got really sick during rehearsal. His blood sugar level dropped or something but he's doing better. So all in all, it's been a really hectic day.

I'm gonna post the new york mailing address again for anyone who needs to write to me instead of e-mail, or if you're a certain blond mailing me the LOST season on DVD ;-)

QM2 - Roxanne Rosas
c/o Cruiselink 238
676A 9th Avenue
NY, NY 10036

I think it's a little different than the first one I posted, but my friends said the port usually figures it out if it's close enough to that. I found that I actually can receive some small packages to that mailing address, but they go through loads of security so it would be a while before I got it. And we hit New York several times during this contract so it's probably the safest bet to mail something to me there.

Miss you all, remember if you post a comment to sign your name cuz I have to guess who it is otherwise. I don't get to see your e-mail address if you post and I'd rather not have to make anyone sign up for an account with blogger if they don't want to.

Miss you mom and dad! oh... and Robyn.... :-)

PS Casey's Gay and I have a picture with a monkey to prove it! Muah ha ha!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Schedule Update

5 At Sea
6 At Sea
7 At Sea
8 At Sea
9 At Sea
10 Barbados
11 St. Kitts
12 St. Thomas
13 At Sea
14 At Sea
15 New York
16 At Sea
17 At Sea
18 At Sea
19 At Sea
20 At Sea
21 Southampton
22 St Peter Port
23 Southampton
24 At Sea
25 At Sea
26 At Sea
27 At Sea
28 At Sea
29 New York
30 At Sea

1 At Sea
2 At Sea
3 At Sea
4 At Sea
5 Southampton
6 At Sea
7 Hamburg Germany
8 Hamburg Germany
9 Hamburg Germany
10 Hamburg Germany
11 Southampton
12 At Sea
13 Aalesund Norway
14 At Sea

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Rio de Janeiro

So we spent the last two days docked in Rio de Janeiro. Yesterday I wasn't able to go ashore because of this huge show that came on board. Fafa Nebelem or Debelem. I think that was her name... anyways... She's famous here in Brazil and she came on board for a special performance that drove us all insane. She's a total diva so the requests that she had were outrageous at times.

We had to partition the connex area of the ship that guests are used to crossing thru because she was afraid she would have fans bugging her a lot. So the passengers were getting upset at us because they couldn't go where they normally did, they'd have to find alternate routes and it was making them lose their way. I've learned the best way to not get lost on this ship is to always have a favorite route to where you're going, I'm guessing the guests do the same.

Plus, memorizing where certain art pieces helps to guide me. There are modern art collages in the connex area so I always know I'm between the theater and the planetarium when I enter the connex rooms.

So after hours of load in, which was all a pain because these people speak portugese and not spanish making it harder to understand them, Fafa shows up a couple hours late for her own personal sound check. The lighting guy wrote all over the light board in sharpie, and the sound guy did his own EQ of the room so both of our lighting and sound guys were frustrated.

Then we had to fix up connex rooms 4 and 5 for Fafa and the band, in that order. Room 3 was converted into the MC's own personal room. Then Fafa's entourage started asking for alcohol and food so I became more of an errand runner than a stage hand. But then they couldn't have tap water, they wanted bottled water. After that all arrived then they told us the MC wanted food and water of his own. After that arrived, then Fafa and her band needed 4 more bottled waters (smaller than the ones in her room) and a bucket of ice. When the ice arrived, apparently the bucket was too big. Ugh! Divas...

So basically, my work day yesterday was from 9:30am to 1:00am. I got up at 10am today so I could go to shore, and now I've eaten dinner, I'm waiting for the DVD rental place to open so I can get "Little Britain" season 1 and something else. Then I'm working at 8:45 and 10:30 tonight for the Welcome aboard show for the passengers who joined us in Rio.

Well, I better be on my way. Miss you all and love you lots. Robyn, turn off Ryan's TV and Mom I hope you're enjoying Da Vinci Code. Dad, I'll call again soon. My first pay day is in 2 days and I have no idea how this works since I'm having most of my money directly deposited into the savings account.


PS Remember if you leave a comment to sign your name, because they are sent directly to my Gmail with the name "Anonymous" in the header.

Friday, March 31, 2006

The Cape and Uruguay

So we finally rounded the cape of South America. Took forever because the captain did a loop so the boat could see it again. I don't know why it was so interesting that it required us to pass it a second time. It was just really rocky with some amazing waves crashing all around. The boat was getting tossed around good. I took some mpeg's of it with the camera and you can see just how much the bow of the ship is moving up and down. Most of the crew got a bit sea sick from the waves, but I fared pretty well. Got a head ache and didn't have much of an apetite but I did ok.

I did just have a cold though. (Yes I'm dressing warm mom) It only lasted two days and I got loads of medicine from the medical center. They really stock you up with medicine when you need it. I went in, saw the doctor within 5 minutes and walked out 10 minutes later with cough lozenges, cough syrup and some aspirin. I slept well and drank a ton of water and poof! All better.

So I didn't get to see Argentina. I was sick, but we were only there for a few hours so they didn't allow any crew to debark so we wouldn't inconvenience the passengers. So I just slept. Didn't see much except from what was visible from the port windows in the crew mess. Didn't look like much to see anyways. The port was far from where we were anchored so the passengers had to take the tenders (the little boats) to shore. My friend Andrew was lucky to be assigned to a passenger tour so he got to go ashore. He was taken on a boat ride and saw seals and penguins. He got me two postcards and a little tiny penguin doll. So it wasn't a total loss.

Today we're in Montevideo, Uruguay. The ship was actually able to dock so I went off shore with Andrew and some other crew. We had lunch at a really nice little restaurant. I got a sirloin beef steak, fries, sprite and half a litre of beer for $13. I also got some postcards and really cute ceramic shot glass. We all walked around looking at the little shops and the sites but had to return to get deck 8 ready for the deck party tonight. Luckily its really hot outside and its expected to be really warm tonight. Last time we did the deck party was on the other side of the continent close to the equator so it was about 80 degrees out at 10pm at night.

I'm going to try to mail some postcards home today to Mom, Dad and Robyn/Danny. I was told the pursar's office sells stamps and will take the postcards right there to be shipped out in the next port. As for New York, I don't know where the port is exactly, but I know it's in Brooklyn. No one on the crew knows the exact name of the port, but we should be there April 15th.

The caribbean is after Rio De Janeiro but of the 3 stops were making, I'll only be able to see St. Kitt's unless I can find someone willing to switch port mannings with me. I may have to give up a day in Rio for it. I don't think anyone would really be willing to give up Barbados though. Sigh...

Ok that's it for today folks, miss you all. I'm learning a lot. I'm running the Grand Ma (light board) for Royal Court Theater more frequently. And the lighting engineer is leaving when we get to South Hampton but so far Cunard hasn't found a replacement. ;-) Maybe there's hope for a promotion or at least more training. My boss said by the end of the contract, Andrew and I will probably be fully trained on how to do the lighting engineer's job. Yay! Disney, here I come!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Peru and Chile

Well, since my last update I have visited three ports. The first was in Peru. I forget the name, but we didn't spend a lot of time at the port. We (me and 4 other people) took a cab ride to Lima, Peru. We spent the day at a shopping mall called Miraflores where we ate lunch at a Tony Roma's. It was nice having a really good American Meal. Cheeseburger, fries and an onion loaf that we all split. After that, we went back to the port where there was a little market for the tourists. It was nice because you could haggle prices. I purchased two shot glasses, a wooden recorder and a cute little llama. I only spent $7.

Today, I'm in Puerto Montt, Chile. The last port was in Valparaiso, Chile. But to be exact Puerto Montt Chile's coordinates:

Lat: 41 28.880 south
Lon: 07 56.242 west

I'm sure if you google it you can find it on a map. It's really bad weather so we got drenched by the rain, we only spent about an hour shopping and to our wonderful surprise, we found a pizza hut and ate pepperoni pizza. Sorry Robyn, but I splurged and had a Coke. :-)

I bought a cute little ring for $2 for my Mom, which is an addition to the little present I bought her for her birthday. A fridge magnet that's also a bottle opener from Acapulco. It has a little turtle on it so I'm sure she'll like it. I figure it's better I tell her here that she actually has something rather than wait until April when I might get a chance to see her.

But the bad weather isn't a total waste. At least I won't have to carry all the band equipment up to deck 8 for their outdoor concert in a while. Now, we just have to lug two speakers up to deck 12 where there is an indoor swimming pool and lounge area covered with a glass ceiling. That's a lot easier. Alright, the ships engines are warming up so we'll probably be leaving in another two hours. Usually when the ship starts pulling out of port all the satellite signals go haywire and you can't make a phone call or get on the net for a bit.

I miss all of you, and lots of love.

PS I saw a real llama today. What's up with South America and putting llama's on everything? ;-)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Greetings from Ecuador

I've gotten all of your guy's e-mails over the past few days, and yes I wish I could reply to all of them. But I love that I'm getting them, so don't stop! :-)

We just returned from Ecuador. The captain added a second stop to make up for the missed Costa Rica port. I drank 2 beers and basically sat on the beach getting more of a tan. I'm a bit burnt, just from setting up the bands outdoors on deck 8. But I took a towel and held it over my head while I was standing in line waiting to get back on a tender to go back to the QM2.

We left Karl behind because he wanted to stay longer, and we've pretty much seen as much as we could with the time we had. Lucky Karl doesn't have to work till way later tonight. But he's still searching for a shot glass for me, since I couldn't find one.

I can't feel the boat moving anymore like I used to, but everyone keeps saying that'll change when we go around the cape of South America. We're also expected to see some really neat glaciers and penguins! My nephew would love that! I keep hearing about drydock in Germany in May as well. We should be there for a few days doing maintenance and rehearsing shows, but we'll also get some time to go explore the city.

New York is still set for April 15th. That's when a lot of the entertainment crew leave and me and Andrew won't be the new people anymore. My roomie will be leaving too so I'll be getting a new cabin mate. We spent last night out on the deck partying for the "Crossing the Equator" party. It was awesome. I actually forgot I was on a boat for a while, until I walked over to the rail and looked out at the blackness all around us. All I could hear was waves and see the wakes from the boat. (We had a full moon, so it was gorgeous). Then we struck the band at midnight.

Ok all, glad to hear Andrea's moving. And thanks for the picture of the puppy Robyn. Oh, and for everyone, Disney wrote back, they're super interested and the guy wrote he'd put my papers thru to be interviewed in the next round when I return. Yay!

Bye all! Casey's Gay!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Port Manning

Tomorrow is Ecuador. I won't have a lot of time because I will be port manning. That means, when we get to shore, only so many % of the crew are allowed off the ship. The rest that are required to stay onboard are called "port manning." So I will be missing Ecuador, but my cabin mate Caz (nick name for Caroline) will be taking some of my cash ashore and getting me a shot glass, postcards, and hopefully getting a really good "Casey's Gay" picture.

Before I go any further, if anyone is reading this on Thursday...

Happy Birthday Mom!

I will try calling home, I haven't figured out how to get my stupid satellite phone in the room to work. But I have a $10 calling card and I can try my cell phone again from Deck 13. I've just been told it's hell to get a signal from a third world country. That's the plus side of missing Ecuador, a lot of the guys aren't planning on leaving the ship because they've been to Ecuador before and just keep saying there's nothing worth seeing. The country is aparently really dirty, and kind of dangerous (even during the day).

So that's it. Oh, and I'm officially not a Pollywog anymore. That's someone who's never crossed the equator.

For those FCCT people, while I was in Panama, I heard the original Dancing Cucumber Song from Veggie Tales. Joel knows what I'm talking about. I heard the tune playing and it took me a while to realize what it was. Ok... adios!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sans Costa Rica

Well the itenerary has changed. Yesterday we were unable to dock in Costa Rica so the passengers are upset. The swells were huge and it was knocking the whole ship around. People still actually wanted to try to get on the tenders (little life boats that take you to shore) so they could go on their little tours! I can't believe some people were willing to try. Anyways, the captain picked up anchor and we headed towards Panama (where we are right now) so we're a day ahead of schedule. I don't know if we'll continue on a day ahead of schedule or if he'll just slowly creep on so we wind up back on track.

Bad news, I can't upload photos. Not at all. It costs 12cents a minute here at this terminal and it wont allow me access to the USB or CD-ROM. I could use the wireless I was told, except it costs a fortune per minute and uploading pics would take quite a bit of time. So when I get a lot more pics, I will mail them home to my mom/dad/sister to upload. They'll have to give you the link, but it will be a while. I haven't taken enough pics to make it worth the while yet.

Alright, I have to run up to deck 13 (crew deck) so I can get a Casey's Gay picture. I forgot to take it ashore with me so it will have to be me holding it with Panama in the background. I didn't get to see the canal because it is about an hours drive away and we weren't allowed on shore that long. I worked at 4 pm today and I will be working at 8:45 and 10:30 again tonight. If you didn't know, I'm 3 hours ahead of you guys now. We lose an hour every time we change timezones, but it hasn't affected me. I actually get to take naps in the middle of day (no port hole) so when I turn off the lights the room is pitch black.

I miss you all. I'm glad Ryan did good at his t-ball game. If you guys leave a comment, try not to type in all CAPS, its really hard to read (I'm looking at Mom and Dad on this one).


Sunday, March 12, 2006


11 Acapulco
12 At Sea
13 Puerto Caldera
14 At Sea
15 Puerto Amador
16 At Sea
17 Esmeraldas
18 At Sea
19 Callao
20 At Sea
21 At Sea
22 Valparaiso
23 At Sea
24 Puerto Montt
25 At Sea
26 At Sea
27 Punta Arenas
28 Ushaia
29 At Sea
30 At Sea
31 Montevideo

Acapulco was amazing. Spent a couple of hours on the beach with my co-workers. Since they've been there several times they knew exactly where to go. We ate lunch (carne asada, rice, guacamole, and tortillas) and drank Corona beers. Not much going on today. I'm working followspot again tonight for a show. Last night I just observed. I had issues updating the blog last time, I thought it didnt work, but it did! Yay!

Miss you all, here's some info, letters only, NO Packages. Mail should be sent way in advance, if the ship leaves port before the letter arrives, I will not receive it, at all.

Montevideo Mailing Address (3/31-4/1)
J.R. Williams
Solis 1533, PO Box 248
Montevideo, Uruguay

Rio De Janeiro Mailing Address (4/3-4/4)
Inchcape Shipping Service
Rua Sao Bento 9, 1andar, Centro
Rio De Janeiro RJ-20090-010, Brazil

New York Mailing Address (4/15, 4/29, 5/23, 6/4)
c/o Cruise Link II, LTD
676 Ninth Avenue, Box 238
New York, NY 10019

Mailing should include
Roxanne Rosas
Queen Mary 2
Ents Tech/Entertainment

Upper left area of envelope should say "Crew Mail"

And just an update for you Knott's People, I have 2 pics of "Casey's Gay" in Acapulco. Yay! The crew here loves the idea.

Friday, March 10, 2006


We're a couple miles off shore from Mexico right now. I've taken some photos but haven't got enough free time to upload any. I'm in between projects right now and should be taking a nap like some of the others. Maybe I still will.

Our first stop will be Alcaupolco and I will allowed to leave the ship. The next stop after that will be in Ecuador, and I will have to remain on board, but I've been told that I'm lucky for that. Apparently Ecuador is a disgusting little country. Last time, one of the crew actually saw a dead person on the side of the road, so most of the crew won't be leaving the ship.

As for the boat repair ride to Germany, it's still on for May, we'll be there 4-6 days while the boat is in Dry Dock (which means it'll be up on stilts) but we'll still be living on board with absolutely no passengers. Basically it becomes a huge maintenance week for everyone.

Food is good. Beer is plentiful. And the sights are amazing. I haven't felt the boat rocking much until just after we left dock in San Pedro and today. Probably because we're close to the tip of baja california and the wakes are bigger. I havent gotten sick from the sea, but I did start to get a little nauseous from the drinking my first night. It's an initiation to get the new people drunk the first night, but I was ok. I stayed away from the tequilla.

Alright, I miss all of you, I wish you were here, mostly to help lug stuff around. And I can't wait to hear back from you. You can just post a comment on here, I don't think you have to sign up for anything, but you'll have to do a word verification (Dad hates those).

Robyn, hug Ryan for me. Mom slap Robyn for me (just kidding ;-) wink wink)


Friday, February 17, 2006


I have been receiving a load of questions since I announced I was leaving, so I created an FAQ list

Q: Where are you going? Why are you leaving?
A: I have taken a job aboard the Cunard's Queen Mary 2 which means I will be going to South America and Europe.

Q: How long will you be gone?
A: 4 months, I leave March 8th and return July 3rd

Q: What will your job be onboard? Lighting?
A: I will be a stagehand, the lighting job requires an intensive amount of training in intelligent lighting.

Q: Are you working in the theater?
A: Yes, and the other 14 venues on board like the piano lounges and lecture halls.

Q: Can we see you when you leave?
A: I have to be on board at 9:30am but the ship doesnt leave until 4pm. And no, I will not be on the deck to wave good-bye since my training starts at 2pm.

Q: Can we send you stuff?
A: No. No packages will be delivered for ship security reasons. But I will use the ship's internet to stay in touch. It costs about 15-25 cents a minute to use, so I will update this blog and/or e-mail when I can. My cell phone should work while I'm in New York, but I'll only be calling mom and dad so... yeah.

Q: Do you know where the ship is going? What is your schedule?
A: All I know is we're going to South America first, then to the east coast, then to England and back again. I don't know the exact dates and ports.

Q: Can you get off at the ports?
A: I've been told I will get some time, at some ports, not all of them. It's not guaranteed that I will get time depending on my training and the work that has to get done.

Q: Are you going to take pictures?
A: Obviously!

Q: Do you get your own room? Bathroom?
A: No, I am rooming with one girl. I have no idea who. I believe our room has it's own bathroom but the showers are shared. I don't know this for sure, but I was told she was going to be a production assistant.

Q: Do you have to wear a uniform?
A: Yes, I've been told it will be black slacks and a polo shirt with the company logo. I am also required to have steel toed shoes. I will also purchase a formal pants suit for evenings where formal attire is required to functions.

Q: What supplies do you have to take? What if you forget something?
A: I have to take the basics (clothes, tolietries) but there is a store onboard that sells the basics as well. If I forget anything, I'll have to live without or try to purchase it during the trip. And I have read there is actually a mall of stores on board.

Q: What does it pay?
A: I will be making $1600 a month, plus I am covered by medical and dental while on the ship. A doctor and dentist live on the ship as well. Any emergency medical problems will be dealt with off the ship.

Room and board are also covered so as long as I keep my expenses low, I can keep what I make.

Q: What about taxes?
A: Taxes will be taken care of when I return so I will save every penny I can.

Q: How did you get the job?
A: I applied in two places. Directly with Princess Cruise Lines and with Cunard called me and interviewed me over the phone.

Q: What steps did you have to take to get the job?
A: I have to have a Norweigian Maritime Medical, take drug/blood tests, take the Yellow Fever vaccine, have a criminal background check, apply for a Seaman's Discharge Book, obtain a passport, and provide passport photos along with signing a contract with Cunard.

Q: How did you hear about this job?
A: I have spoken to people who worked as techs and performers on ships before and decided it was something I'd like to try. The turnover rate is high because some people don't like it and there are always openings for stage hands.

Q: What if you don't like it?
A: I will work the 4 month contract and quit if I don't like it. Otherwise, I will get a month off and leave early August again for another 4 months.

Q: Are you going to party onboard?
A: Probably, depends on the crew

Q: Are you having a going away party?
A: Yes, for all you Cal Poly peeps I will be at the TGIF in Brea on March 3rd at 8pm, for family I will be having a "gathering" on March 4th either at my mom's in Anaheim or my dad's in Placentia (not decided yet)

I will also be trying to get in touch with people from work at Fullerton and Knott's, but probably only on a person by person basis, no actual party plans since Fullerton is in prep for Festival season and Knott's people are scattered to their own lives/jobs.

A list of advice I have already heard and taken in.
1. Don't become a lush
2. Don't gamble
3. Don't get pushed over board
4. Try hard to see as much as possible, this is the chance of a lifetime.
5. Get your flu shot
6. Party
7. Don't get caught up in all the food available

Friday, February 03, 2006

Bon Voyage

I got the job. I will be working for Cunard aboard the Queen Mary starting in March. That is, as long as I pass all the required medical exams. I had no idea how much paperwork was involved. Currently I'm filling out an application for a Discharge Book and/or British Seaman's Card. It was e-mailed to me from the people in the UK overseeing the final steps of my hire.

I also spent the morning going over some documents e-mailed to me regarding life on board the ship and what is expected of me as crew, and not just as an entertainment technician. It feels like moving back into a dorm situation my first year of college. I have no idea who I'll be staying with, but the paperwork made it sound like it would not even be an American. Most of the crew is British or Phillipine. This should be interesting.

I also am waiting for a phone call back from the doctors office to find out when/where I will go to get my maritime medical exam and yellow fever vaccine. I did a google on yellow fever and quickly added mosquito repellant to the packing list.

This whole process looks like it's going to cost a bit of money. I have to pay for the exam, the books, a visa, etc, etc. The whole point of going for a job is to make money because I certainly don't have it. Guess I'll be maxing out that credit card again, sheesh!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Update on The Search for Work

So work has been sparse, and by sparse, I mean I haven't worked in over 2 weeks. I'm going insane and the house is spotless, except of course for my desk which will forever be an organized mess.

I had a phone call from Princess Cruise Lines today, a phone interview. It was rather nerve wracking, I had no warning... just... "Ring! 'hello?' ... 'Hi this is Denise from Princess Cruise Lines...' "

Yup. I did well, I didn't get the job I applied for but they wanted me to seriously consider the position for stage crew. Basically my resume screams educated grunt.

I don't know if I want to take it. I'm scared of leaving, how sad is that? I'm always saying I want out. I want out of here and now the opportunity presents itself and I hesitate.

I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that I'd be sharing a room with a stranger (haven't done that in years), trapped at sea (never done that), and my aging grandparents are starting to get weak. All 4 are alive and it would be hard to drop everything if they died to get back in time for funerals and their masses (they're catholic, I'm not).

Sigh... Why can't Disney just call? I called the phone number my interviewer gave me and was told there was no update. He hadn't heard anything so I thanked him and said I'd call at a later date. I had a former teacher say she'd call and put in a good word for me. I was so excited, but then I remembered she tends to forget stuff. I hope she doesn't forget this.