Friday, February 03, 2006

Bon Voyage

I got the job. I will be working for Cunard aboard the Queen Mary starting in March. That is, as long as I pass all the required medical exams. I had no idea how much paperwork was involved. Currently I'm filling out an application for a Discharge Book and/or British Seaman's Card. It was e-mailed to me from the people in the UK overseeing the final steps of my hire.

I also spent the morning going over some documents e-mailed to me regarding life on board the ship and what is expected of me as crew, and not just as an entertainment technician. It feels like moving back into a dorm situation my first year of college. I have no idea who I'll be staying with, but the paperwork made it sound like it would not even be an American. Most of the crew is British or Phillipine. This should be interesting.

I also am waiting for a phone call back from the doctors office to find out when/where I will go to get my maritime medical exam and yellow fever vaccine. I did a google on yellow fever and quickly added mosquito repellant to the packing list.

This whole process looks like it's going to cost a bit of money. I have to pay for the exam, the books, a visa, etc, etc. The whole point of going for a job is to make money because I certainly don't have it. Guess I'll be maxing out that credit card again, sheesh!

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