Friday, October 07, 2005

Knott's Argh...

**Original first paragraph's erased**

OK, on to other issues. I'm working at Knott's Scary Farm right now. I'm the video switcher for the Ed Alonzo show and I"m hating it! I took some tv and film courses in junior college before I settled on theater, and now I'm back at the damn board wishing I had said I wasn't available for the month of October. I was told I was going to be a stagehand which is why I said yes, but the day I walked in, they informed me (well, the TD informed me) that I was the new video person.

I think I used a switcher maybe once at Fullerton? And it was a lot easier since it was programmed by someone else so all I had to do was move the lever up and down, not push buttons. Sigh...

Oh well, October 31st isn't that far off. So I'm using this time to siphon all the info I can out of people about working for the cruise lines. Another girl, named Kaycee, just stopped working for them, and has given me loads of info. She didn't like it, but she said some people do. I'll never know if I'll like it till I try it, so... yeah.

Princess Cruise Lines


Royal Caribbean

Disney Cruise Lines

Links to all of these and a couple more

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