Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last Day

It's my last day on board the QM2. Yay! I started packing about three days ago and only have to pack my carry on bag now. I can't believe how much crap I have. I didn't buy souveneirs, I bought shot glasses for my collection, that's about it. Everything else was little magnets, one's for mom of course. ;-)

Italy was amazing. We took the train from Civitavechia to Rome. I saw the Vatican, the colosseum, the spanish steps and this really famous fountain (you'd know it if you saw it).

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Livorno Italy was boring as all hell. If anyone ever invites you to the beach in northern Italy, pass it up. Livorno is close to Pisa, but I didn't have enough time in port to travel that far.

So now I'm doing tiny errands, returning gear, I only have three duties today, then I sign off the ship at 5:00pm today and have my luggage checked at 8pm. Tomorrow we dock about 6:00am and I have to go through immigration and customs. I'll probably actually be able to leave at 10am like last time when mom and Eddie came to visit me. Then I'll high tail it to the hotel where dad will be staying and we'll see what happens from there.

I miss you all and will see you in about 4 days :-) Love you guys!


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